

Highly Skilled Employees

We strive to get the right skills for our assets. Because our focus is to create value from existing mature assets, individuals with deep knowledge of the areas we focus on are our priorities.

Our team has the skill combinations to bring projects to production creating cash flow and grow the company.

Right Projects & Assets

We strive to acquire projects or assets in their mid-life production, the pre-development phase, near-field exploration with huge upsides, and assets that could potentially be company makers.

With the quality of employees within the company making this happen is achievable.

With the assets in our sight, we hope to grow our 2P reserve quickly and raise net production by minimum of 20% yearly.

Optimising Production and Cost

SINOK E&P LTD has and will invest in Production optimization technology especially on maximum extraction hydrocarbon from tight reservoirs.

In our team, we have the people who have current, and new technological application and a passion to apply them to optimize production.

We focus on producing hydrocarbon in a cost effective and safe way to maximize profitability and returns to investors.